Diving into Divination
When you first begin to learn about divination, you might be overwhelmed by the different types of systems that are available. Getting a general idea about the basics of different types of divination system will help make your exploration much more enjoyable.
Before we move into the array of divinatory systems let’s get some clarity around what divination is and isn’t.
The idea that divination is fortunetelling or the ability to predict the specifics of future events is antiquated, and outmoded.
Since Jung’s work around synchronicity and archetypes and the newest discoveries of quantum physics a different, modern perspective on divination has emerged.
Divination or to divine something means to be inspired by god, or the gods.
Think about the great cathedral in New York City, The Cathedral of St. John The Divine. St. John was not divine of course, but rather one who was inspired by God through visions.
Divination is the ability to understand a situation and to gain clarity on how to move forward in a healthy way given a specific set of circumstances. That well of knowledge lies deep within the psyche where the Soul or Self is able to connect with Source.
Today a more enlightened understanding of divination, encompasses the discernment of archetypal patterns and synchronicities along with the ability to formulate meaningful insights based on those.
Someone with natural gifts of intuition can often have startlingly accurate insights into a person using various systems of divination.

Tarot, It’s All in the Cards
A tarot card reading is one of the most popular types of divinatory readings. During a tarot card reading, the reader will ask you to formulate a question and focus your energy on the cards. The cards that come out and the position that they fall in will both affect your reading. The modern tarot cards that most readers use are typically composed of twenty-two major arcana cards and fifty-six minor arcana cards.
The cards of the major arcana are archetypes, which means they have a universal quality and can be applied to individuals and even nations.
The minor arcana focus more on situations or the quality of being. The cards in the minor arcana help create the personal aspect of a reading.
Astrology, Written in the Stars
During an astrology reading, the astrologer will use your date of birth to determine the position of the planets at the precise time and date you were born, this is called your birth or natal chart. It’s used to construct a lens through which to view yourself and your life’s path.
An astrological reading gets its information from the placement of the planets and the stars as they are observed in a complex system of houses, movements and relationships. There are several different types of astrology available to use. These types include Chinese astrology, Western astrology, Indian astrology as well as Archetypal astrology.
Numerology, Everything Can be Described with Numbers
Numerology is another type of divinatory reading that utilizes birth dates.
A numerologist will use the numbers related to your date of birth to come up with a number that can be associated with your type of personality.
For example, a person with the number seven is controlled by Neptune which symbolizes myth, dream, transcendence, dissolution, mystery and magic. These traits will likely exert influence on that person’s character. Notice here the intersection of astrology, archetypes and numerology.

Runes, Letters with Power + Purpose
Rune readings are a type of divinatory system specific to the pre-Christian Northern Tradition in Europe. Runes have been around for thousands of years and have been shown to contain mystical characteristics in addition to being a writing system. Each Rune represents not only a letter and a sound as in a typical alphabet, but also an entire concept, a cluster of related ideas and mythology.
A rune reading consists of twenty-four runes tossed on a white cloth. The reader will look at which Runes are reversed, where they fall, and how they relate to one another.
There are also different types of spreads including the traditional spread of three that represents the past, present and future. This configuration derives from the Norns, female semi-divine beings similar to the Greek and Roman Fates, who spin the destines of humans.
The materials that the runes are made out may affect the reading as well. Ceramic, stone, wood and bone are typically used to create Runes.
Osteomancy, Know it in Your Bones
Osteomancy, divination using bones, is a very ancient form of divining.
As with other types of readings a question is put forth with the intention of receiving insight or wisdom that will help clarify a situation, indicate an action that is needed, or provide deeper insight into a problem that leads to a solution or resolution.
The bones are tossed onto the ground, sometimes onto a cloth that is divided into different areas representing different aspects of life.
Typically the diviner will interpret the bones themselves, their position and relationship to each other. This is similar to the use of Runes.
Osteomancy has very few agreed upon rules unlike astrology or Tarot which have complex rule based systems.
Like Runes, Osteomancy requires a great deal of insight and intuition from the reader and can be used in many different ways,.

Visiting and Intuitive Reader
If you are looking for specific advice or insight, you may wish to visit a professional that specializes in one or two areas of divination that interest you. Some of the readings must be conducted face to face, but most can be distant readings that are done virtually or over the phone. Whichever type of reading you choose, you will be amazed at the insightful things that an intuitive reader can tell you about yourself.
Learn Divination for Self knowledge
Everyone can learn to use divinatory systems. You can use Tarot, Runes, various Oracle Decks, Bones and more.
- Take time to develop your intuition
- Learn about the history of the system your using
- Learn to phrase questions that illicit insightful answers
- Understand archetypes and symbols
- Trust you intuition to make connections and discover meaning
Modern divination is about self-discovery, personal gnosis, inner growth and the development of your higher self.
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