A Message from Jan...
I believe nurturing your inner life is important...

In fact, I believe that when women have a way to do that they...
- evolve
- grow
- become powerful in their own lives, in the lives of others and in the work they do.
Most people think...
that their inner life isn’t really real and doesn’t matter, when the truth is it is the most real and important part of you.
It is the inner life, the life of the soul, that holds who you truly are.
With all the different roles you fill and demands on your time you may think that you don’t have control over who you are, but you do.
You can choose who you are becoming.
Art, image and symbol are ways to begin opening up pathways to healing, self-discovery and change in your life.
Connection to earth and spirit brings about transformation enabling you to create and re-create who you are and how you experience your life.

It’s common in our culture to believe that only linear, left brain knowledge is true...
But the reality is...
- you have a well of inner wisdom that you can trust
- you have an authentic truth that is yours and can be known
- you have intuition and experiential knowledge
- you have an inner life where all of this is held
The creative process is powerful, and art making can be easy and straightforward, allowing you to become fluent in the language your soul speaks naturally, the language of images and symbols.
About Jan

Jan is a Wise Woman, Jungian, intuitive artist, co-creator with the Universe, hedge-mystic, and mixed media maven.
A lover of animals, earth, stones and trees, her deepest connection is with the natural world through the archetype of the divine feminine in her many forms.
She leads women on the inner journey of the soul through the creative process. Her body of work honors both Old Ways, traditional northern shamanism, animism, Christo-Pagan, Way of the Rose, and European esotericism, + New Ways, psycho-spiritual and Jungian depth work.
Creative exploration, and embodied experience allows her to engage with the natural world, the archetypal realm, and to gain personal gnosis.
Jan earned her BFA in 1984 from Caldwell University. She is a Certified Creative Depth Coach, through JourneyPath Institute, a certified Jungian Tarot Reader via the Jung Platform, an artist, writer, teacher, retreat leader, Licensed JourneyCircles™ Facilitator and MoonCircle™ Guide.
How I found Creative Depth Work
I found out how powerful art and image could be after my mother died. For an entire year I was unable to grieve, mourn, remember or celebrate her life or the loving relationship we shared.
The exhaustion of care giving and the wrenching end of life decisions that needed to be made were felt in my body and soul as traumas. I had no way to work with what was happening in my inner life so I could not heal.

When I finally found creative depth work I was drowning in a sea of unprocessed emotions. Learning to create art that was specifically intended to help me work through many complicated feelings, heal old wounds, and begin tending the needs of my inner life was powerful.
Out of that experience, using art to heal, I found an entirely new way of engaging with my inner self and my outer world.
How Creative Depth Coaching Can Work For You
Creative depth work will empower you to...
- embrace your sacred power
- know your authentic self
- give you confidence to voice your truth
- know that you are valuable
- acknowledge you have something important to bring into the world
- gain a clear sense of your identity and purpose in the world
- discover agency and authority
- learn to use your gifts and abilities in new ways,
- develop a heart centered ego that frees you to achieve while serving others
- discover you can set boundaries
- gain sovereignty in your life
- embrace self-care as sacred care.

You'll overcome feelings of being stuck or tangled in old stories or expectations by...
- healing your past
- moving into wholeness
You'll gain momentum and motivation to move into a new phase of life that holds...
- your dreams and visions
- is aligned with your core values and beliefs
The diverse art making techniques used in creative depth coaching will allow you to...
- claim the artist within
- embrace yourself as a creative being
- become an artist in the broadest and deepest sense of the word

Creative depth coaching gives you tools that are accessible and adaptable allowing you to use them in a variety of ways and situations as your journey unfolds.
Learn to use...
- art making
- the power of narrative and myth
- the wisdom of nature
- the model of the heroine's journey
You'll discover many parts of yourself and how those parts can be expressed in powerful ways using...
- mytho-poetic language
- archetypes
- images and symbols
This rich framework sparks...
- vision and growth
while individual coaching offers...
- support
- and guidance as you grow