The killing frost came last night like Death with his scythe and stilled the life force in my French Marigolds.
As much as we like to sidestep Death’s obvious meaning, speaking of “transformation” instead, we sometimes gloss over the pain that his arrival brings.
Transformation requires space. That space is inevitably created by the Death of something that already exists.
The moment you realize what must go, Death swings his sickle with terrifying swiftness as you look on in horror. That moment is painful. The aftermath is not pretty. Feelings of devastation, loss, and grief can flood your soul, even if the transformation you have freely chosen promises a much better future.
Endings are painful. If only because something familiar is now gone.
Don’t be too eager to soften the blow that Death deals. Instead, foster courage, and gather allies as you face the Death Card and the full spectrum of this specter’s power.
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